Support & Donations
Rebuilding Together is dedicated to helping repair the homes of low-income, elderly or disabled Vermonters. We rely upon individual and corporate contributions to repair, renovate, and improve the quality of life for these individuals, which allows them to stay in their homes. We currently have more volunteers than money for building supplies. We're therefore always in need of cash contributions to support the program. If you or your company would like to support this cause, please contact us or follow instructions below:
Please indicate below the amount of your tax-deductible contribution:
$25 will purchase a smoke detector to keep a family safe from of fire
$50 will purchase a lockset, preventing burglaries
$75 will insulate a small room to keep a family warm
$150 will purchase an energy efficient entry door or window
$250 will purchase roofing supplies to keep the home dry
$1,500 will purchase an energy efficient heating system to keep a family warm and their heating bills low
$3,000 will sponsor a home and purchase new windows, doors, flooring roofing materials, paints etc.
and bring back the sense of security and pride in home ownership
All contributions are gratefully accepted and will help with the purchase of materials such as nails, paint, adhesives, plywood, flooring materials, etc.
Please make check payable to Rebuilding Together Greater Burlington.
Submit your donation to:
Rebuilding Together Greater Burlington
PO Box 9426
South Burlington, VT 05407
On behalf of your low-income neighbors, thank you!
Questions? Please don't hesitate to call us at (802) 860-9200